Sunday, September 18, 2011


The kids are playing in the hall. I hear them chat and laugh with each other. I love how well they can get along. Yesterday, Caden didn't want to get dressed for our family picnic and Cole went into their room and "reasoned" with him. Within 5 minutes, I saw the two of them emerge and Caden was all dressed! Cole then put his arm around Caden and said, "C'mon, let's go get a Capri Sun." So sweet! He had helped his brother and then wanted to have a drink with him.

Thursday when we left for school Cole told Caden goodbye and that he'd see him later at their grandmother's house. I love that they miss each other when apart and look forward to seeing each other again. They are just such great kids! They have bonded just like biological brothers would. Cole knows he's "tan" and Caden is "peach" which they often say about each other, but it doesn't matter. They are just brothers plain and simple.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Wow, How Time Flies!

Wow how time flies! I can't believe it has been a week since my last post. I also can't believe my kids both started school last week. Other parents I know told me stories of their kids going off to high school or college and they couldn't believe how time flies either! I can't even think that far ahead into the future. I am enjoying the age the kids are now. However, I now it's going to go too quickly.

Yesterday, Cole and I watched an HGTV show about a family moving to Guatemala. I said, "Look there's Guatemala, Cole!" He smiled and looked towards the T.V. It was neat for him to see the old country again. We talk to him often about the fact that he is from there. I have a handmade table runner from Guatemala and he uses it sometimes as a blanket to wrap his stuffed animals. He's very proud to be from there. We also tell Caden about how he was born here in a hospital and Cole was born in another country and then Daddy brought him home on an airplane. They're growing up hearing the stories of how they joined our family. They'll cherish these stories for the rest of their lives.

I saw an amazing article today on Yahoo. It was a story and photo essay about how the world's children live, specifically where they sleep. It showed their bedrooms and how different they are. Some of the children sleep in luxury, while others could barely call what they have a room. I remember when we were adopting Cole, I was very excited about decorating his room. I chose a green color and Kevin's cousin Michelle helped me paint it on New Year's Eve the year before he came. We bought him a cute brown wooden crib and chose jungle animals as our theme. It came out so cute and a girl I worked with said, "He is going to be such a lucky little boy," when I showed her he picture. I think he is a pretty lucky little boy too. He has a nice home, a great little brother and parents and grandparents that love him to pieces! I often think of what how different his life would have been if he'd stayed in Guatemala. His birth mother was a housekeeper and could barely afford to keep his biological brother, Emerson. She would have struggled to take care of them both and he wouldn't have near the opportunities and luxuries he has here in our country. Here's a typical bedroom of a hostel in Guatemala, not even a home bedroom:

A typical hostel bedroom in Guatemala City, Guatemala
Photo by Joseph Reaney
And here's the bedroom we designed for Cole to come home to:

His bedroom here was clean, comfortable and welcoming. It was a nice room to grow in, play in and dream in. I'm not being materialistic, just hoping that the life we're giving him here is special, inspirational, safe and loving. Actually, I hope that for both of my boys. The link to the photo essay is :

Have a great Labor Day Weekend!