Sunday, September 18, 2011


The kids are playing in the hall. I hear them chat and laugh with each other. I love how well they can get along. Yesterday, Caden didn't want to get dressed for our family picnic and Cole went into their room and "reasoned" with him. Within 5 minutes, I saw the two of them emerge and Caden was all dressed! Cole then put his arm around Caden and said, "C'mon, let's go get a Capri Sun." So sweet! He had helped his brother and then wanted to have a drink with him.

Thursday when we left for school Cole told Caden goodbye and that he'd see him later at their grandmother's house. I love that they miss each other when apart and look forward to seeing each other again. They are just such great kids! They have bonded just like biological brothers would. Cole knows he's "tan" and Caden is "peach" which they often say about each other, but it doesn't matter. They are just brothers plain and simple.

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