Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Good Heart

Wow! Long time since writing I know...Lots of things have been going on. The school year has been stressful and challenging. However, today at the end of the school day and former student came in and she told me about how her class was talking about adoption today and she raised her hand and told her teacher that she knew someone who adopted from Guatemala. It was me she was speaking of and after she said this she said, "You adopted your son, because you have a good heart." When she said this I smiled and said, "Thank you. That's so sweet." What a heart-warming compliment. Sure sounds even better at the end of a long day. I hope I do have a "good heart". I hope I am teaching my children to have good hearts. Kevin and I were recently talking about how we continue to strive to raise kind, well-mannered, Christian young men. As tough as that is in the present day world, it has to be a priority.

At dinner tonight, Cole took two of his noodles and made a cross and showed it to me. I looked down at it and smiled saying, "Cole, that's nice." It was a small thing, but made me feel good. I hope he realizes as he grows how important his faith will be; how much he'll depend upon it....The only thing I can do is try to set a good example, and talk to him about God and how much he loves him. Funny thing is, as I say that, I know that when God made him, he knew where Cole would end up. He knew Cole would come into our home and be our son. He created him, placed him into his birth mother's womb and set up a master plan for his life. His birth mother came to know the ultimate meaning of sacrifice and I came to know the love and protection a mother feels for her son. I praise and thank God for bringing Cole into our lives and hope that Cole will come to praise and thank him for the blessings in his life.

The little guy, Caden, is living his sweet, little life to the fullest this week, as he is on spring break. I'm taking a day off with him tomorrow. We're going to have breakfast at Panera and then play at the park. I may have a surprise trip to the Lego store up my sleeve as well! He's such a sweet, funny kid. I figure he deserves some new Legos just for being him! He's outside the door playing as I type this. So often, I look at him and just want to scoop him up and smooch him! He's just such a joy! I'm so proud that I'm his mom and God gave him to me. Don't get me wrong-he can be stubborn and cranky like the rest of us, but overall he's such a good kid. He's smart, friendly and has such a good sense of humor. I couldn't have asked for a better kiddo! Two better kiddos, that is......

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