Saturday, August 27, 2011

Huge Milestone

Well huge milestone this week! My children both started school! Caden is in pre-school and Cole is in Kindergarten. Yes, I know, where did the time go? Take a look back at those baby pics, would ya! I can't believe it. Kevin and I have both been emotional about it this week. My kids are growing up an I find myself missing the little baby days. Now, we didn't have Cole as a small baby, but 11 months is close enough! I miss holding them and rocking them. I miss feeding them their bottle. I miss bibs and Snuggies, but what can I say? Life goes on. They are growing and there's nothing I can do but embrace it. I have to find joy in their new stages of development.

They both had a great week. Caden loves his class and Cole also loves his class, but is really smitten with the library! He couldn't wait to get there on Thursday for Library class. He loved the fact that he could take any book home, read it, take it back and even get a new one the next week! I was so happy this week seeing him in the hallway at work. I got to check in on him a few times and peeked into his computer class. I know most parents don't have this luxury, so I do feel blessed. I'm so glad we are able to give this little boy the opportunities he has ahead of him. As an orphan in Guatemala, he had very little chance of success. I have a friend who does work down there frequently and she tells me of the children who are dropped off at the doorsteps of orphanages, or who are found just crawling through the streets. When Kevin was there little kids would run up to him and ask for money as their parent stood by and watched. What a miracle that we were connected to him and were given a chance to take him into our home! He can do anything he wants in our country. He has the opportunity to achieve great things and make such an impression on the world. I'm so glad that we could give him this opportunity and call him our son.

Now for Caden....this kid is 4 going on 30! Kevin says he walks into pre-school like he owns the joint! He is such a character. I asked him on Wednesday if he planned on going back to school and he said, "Yeah, I have to!" He is so sweet, but also ornery. I'm sure he'll be in everyone's business once he gets adjusted in his new class. I can already envision the conferences and phone calls I'm going to have because of this kid. He is an absolute joy to me though. He is truly a gift from God. All the waiting and pain was worth it. I heard a saying once that having children is like watching your heart walk around outside your body. How very true!

Have a great weekend!

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