Sunday, August 21, 2011

In the Beginning....Part II

Luckily, Kevin had made the acquaintance of a super nice bellman at the hotel in Guatemala when he first arrived. Carlos was the bellman's name and he was born in Guatemala, but had moved to California and lived there for some time before returning to his home country. Since Carlos had lived in the States, his English was fantastic. Carlos had a soft spot for Kevin because he was all alone with a new infant son in a foreign country. I'm sure Kevin got some strange looks wandering around that hotel by himself with a new baby! People must have wondered where his wife or partner was. Anyways, Carlos and Kevin had talked a few times and since Cole needed Calamine lotion for his "spots", Kevin went out on a limb and asked for help. He approached Carlos and asked about getting to a nearby pharmacy. Carlos was glad to help and commented that Kevin wouldn't want to go there by himself anyway. Carlos took a break and drove his own car around to the front of the hotel to pick up Kevin and Cole. Kevin commented that there wasn't a car seat for Cole and Carlos said most people didn't use them there and Kevin could just hold Cole in his lap. Kevin, a little leery, followed his advice and climbed in.

When they reached the pharmacy, Kevin spotted two guards armed with machine guns standing outside. Startled, he asked Carlos what was going on. Carlos commented that this was normal in Guatemala since the pharmacy housed drugs. What a difference from your everyday CVS! Another difference- you didn't exit your car. It was a drive-through pharmacy! They drove through and purchased the Calamine lotion and some other baby supplies.

Upon returning to the hotel, Kevin offered Carlos some money for helping and thanked him. Carlos replied that he was glad to help and he really felt for Kevin since he was going through all of this alone. What a difference the kindness of strangers can make! Kevin quickly went up to his room to call me and tell me about his experience. Horrified, I listened and Kevin reassured me everything was OK and that Cole was even warming up to him. I was so relieved and wished I could be there with them. He was holding our new son and I was miles and miles away in a different country pregnant with our other son.

The next day, Kevin, Cole and our interpreter (supplied by our attorneys) went to the American Embassy to finalize paperwork so Kevin could leave the country with Cole. While there, Kevin asked to see an American doctor who could identify Cole's spots. The doctor confirmed that it was chicken pox and gave Kevin a paper stating this in case he had trouble at Customs in the U.S. Kevin was so relieved. He finished the paperwork and left to return to the hotel.

At the hotel, Kevin took Cole to the playroom, restaurant, and for walks around the lobby. There wasn't a lot to do and Kevin wasn't venturing outside, especially since he had heard gunshots the previous evening! (I've since heard that this is a normal occurrence in Guatemala.) Cole was really coming around with Kevin and even smiling and laughing, which was a big difference from the first night when he wouldn't even look at Kevin.

On October 6, 2006, Kevin dressed himself and Cole, packed up and headed for home. They would first land in Dallas, then switch planes and arrive in Columbus. I was a basket case! I was so nervous all day that I couldn't eat, think or focus. I couldn't wait for them to get home.

Cole at the hotel in Guatemala
Tired, hungry and overwhelmed, Kevin boarded the plane with Cole and flew to Dallas. Once in Dallas, Kevin made it past Customs and found the food court, where he gobbled down 2 hamburgers. He had barely eaten in Guatemala because he was so unnerved there. He called me afterwards and said he was about ready to board the next plane and gave me his expected arrival time in Columbus. I was ecstatic that they were out of Guatemala, in the U.S., and on their way home!

When Kevin boarded the next plane, he was flat out exhausted. He'd barely slept, eaten and had cared for a new baby all by himself for 3 days. Suddenly, a flight attendant approached him and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, but you cannot bring a child with an infectious disease onto the plane." Kevin pondered this for a minute and then looked her straight in the eye and said, "Well he's not infectious," and shoved past the attendant. Normally, he wouldn't have been so blunt and rude, but he hadn't come this far to be told to get off the plane and sit in Dallas for God knows how long. Luckily, the flight attendant didn't pursue the matter and realized that Kevin looked like he'd been to hell and back. It had been almost a year since we started this process, 3 years since we started trying for children and he was ready to get home and start a new life with his wife and kids.

Around 5 o'clock in the evening, Kevin and Cole touched down in Columbus and unloaded the plane. I had driven over to the airport with my in-laws. My dad drove separate and my sister waited at the house for our return. I was an anxious mess! I had so many emotions all at once. I was still taking the Terbutaline, which made me feel horrible, I was excited to see Kevin and most of all meet my new son for the first time. I parked the car, raced into the airport and walked quickly to the gate area where people were waiting for arriving passengers. My nerves were in a bundle! I was minutes away from seeing them! I was so overcome with emotion that I started pacing and walking further and further towards the armed guard that was eyeing me. He stood next to a sign that read something like, "No Entry Beyond this Point". Then I spotted them, I started sobbing uncontrollably, not noticing the people around me that were watching me as if I was a part of a reality TV show. I walked straight past the guard and straight past the sign. He looked over at me as if to say, "I'm not about to mess with an emotional pregnant woman, even if I do have a gun!" There they were, right in front of me. Kevin was safely home and Cole was finally here! I walked up to my new son and said, "Hi, honey." He, in return, reached out and touched my face with his little tan hand, as if to say he had been waiting for me as well. Our parents gathered around us and welcomed the two home as well, everyone overcome with excitement. Kevin rushed to the bathroom saying he had needed to go for a long time, but couldn't leave Cole on the plane seat by himself and didn't want to ask anyone else to hold him. I offered to take him, but was reminded that I needed to sit because I wasn't allowed to lift anything. I found a bar stool to sit on and Kevin handed Cole to me. There I sat with my new son. He was finally here, safe and happy. He took to me just as if he'd known me forever. I was just so happy holding him and still anticipating the arrival of my other son that I was carrying. To be continued.....

The "four" of us at the airport. Cole is finally here!

1 comment:

  1. Great story! I can't wait to read the rest.
